Friday, October 15, 2010

Would you register for your honeymoon?

A trend I've heard about on and off for a while now is registering for your honeymoon. That's right - in lieu of or in addition to a traditional gift registry, couples are listing their honeymoon as an item guests can donate money towards.

Would you do it? Or do you think it's tacky? Here are a few websites that offer this service:

- "A honeymoon gift registry with no set up fees, no transaction fees, and no travel purchase required."

- You set up your honeymoon and the activities you want to experience while traveling, and assign a gift price to each activity. Guests can then pick what they want to purchase for you.

- Works similarly to the buy-our-honeymoon site. They also provide email notifications to your wedding guests, and travel suggestions for you and your spouse.

So what do you think? Is a honeymoon registry a must-have for the modern couple, or a major faux pas? Sound off in the comments!


Dan Woodward said...

We have lived together for over three years - we have pretty much everything would want for the home - however in all the time we have been together we've never had a holiday abroad together.

So for us this idea is a complete must - it's something we'll both treasure as a holiday is such a rare occurrence for us.

Dan W - The Stag Test Dummy

Richard Mandel said...

We used for our honeymoon registry. Their service and site functionality was superb. We ended up extending our honeymoon by 4 days because our guests were so generous. We also had a registry with Williams & Sonoma but our Traveler's Joy registry turned out to be more popular - very surprising!